Halloween Oral Hygiene: Keeping Your Child’s Smile Healthy

Halloween Oral Hygiene: Keeping Your Child’s Smile Healthy

Halloween Oral Hygiene: Keeping Your Child’s Smile Healthy

Halloween is on the horizon and your health partners at Academy Dental want to help you protect your kids from something even scarier than zombies, ghosts and goblins this Halloween. That’s tooth decay.

We all remember the joys of trick-or-treating, and coming home to unload our sugary spoils and eat candy until our tummies ached. Parents are in the scariest position at Halloween, aware of the cavities, temper tantrums and hyperactivity that will result from the copious candy intake by their youngsters.

The best way to avoid any of these truly tricky consequences in the aftermath of Halloween is not to consume any candy at all. However, we know that’s highly unlikely and that’s why your experts at Academy Dental have created a Halloween candy guide to help protect your kids from tooth decay and thereby ensure their optimal oral health for life.

Below is a listing from most harmful to the safest treats your kids should be choosing from their trick-or-treat bag:

Sour Power – Sour candies are the absolute worst in that studies have revealed that the acids in sour candies are so destructive because they dissolve enamel on contact!

Hardly Harmless – Hard candy needs to be sucked on for an extended period of time and very chewy candies are harmful in that they get stuck between the teeth. Both hard and chewy candy allow bacteria to wreak havoc on your child’s teeth for a much longer period of time.

Resist Raisins – Don’t be fooled by their natural derivative. Raisins easily damage dental work because they are very sticky and do not mix well with fillings, braces or retainers.

Candy Bars Get Four Stars – While we can’t say candy bars are good for your oral health, they are less harmful because they are eaten quickly allowing less time for the sugar to damage the acid.

Dissolve Your Worry – Powder candy is fairly safe as the sugar dissolves quickly and makes little contact with the teeth.

Eat Two or Three if They’re Sugar Free – As obvious as it seems, sugar-free candy is the most highly recommended Halloween treat for your children’s teeth. You can even prevent cavities by chewing sugar free gum! Sugar free gum promotes increased saliva which neutralizes harmful bacteria.

If your little monsters will be in need a routine dental cleaning after Halloween give us a call and book an appointment today!

What Veneers Can Do For Your Smile

What Veneers Can Do For Your Smile

What Veneers Can Do For Your Smile

Do you find you avoid smiling, or are embarrassed to show your teeth due to damage or severe discolouration? Do you wish you could have a Hollywood smile makeover that will give you the confidence to achieve your full potential?

If you answered yes, then Dental Veneers might be the right cosmetic dentistry solution for you!

Dental Veneers are extremely thin custom-shaped shells made of ceramic, porcelain or a composite material that can be bonded to your existing teeth to quickly and flawlessly eliminate imperfections. Veneers allow us to completely remodel the shape and style of your smile – we can brighten your teeth and cover discolorations, cracks, or uneven spacing in only a few appointments.

Our cosmetic dentistry experts have years of experience with Dental Veneers and the artistic ability to match your aspirations. At Academy Dental in Victoria and Sooke, BC, we’ll take the time to discuss your needs and desires, and our artisan dentists will work with our expert dental labs to develop a set of custom Dental Veneers with the size, shape, and color that provide a natural look that complements your facial structure.

Patients receiving Dental Veneers from Academy Dental will often tell us that they wished they had asked for them sooner – the burden of portraying unattractive defects or damage due to staining or injury is considerable and hard to put into words.  We understand, and are ready to give you the powerful lift and confidence boost that a beautiful natural smile brings.

Contact us today if you want to unlock your smile potential and think veneers might be the right cosmetic dentistry solution for you!

Prevent Cavities by Using Dental Sealants

Prevent Cavities by Using Dental Sealants

Prevent Cavities by Using Dental Sealants

Simply brushing your teeth is not an effective solution for preventing tooth decay and erosion. The general dentistry team at Academy Dental located in Victoria and Sooke, BC recommends dental sealants, which give teeth solid protection against the bacteria that infiltrates your mouth and causes cavities.

What are dental sealants?

Sealants are made of durable, stain-resistant plastic and are bonded to the grooves of your teeth. After a dentist at Academy Dental seals the tooth, the grooves are smoothed down and make it hard for plaque to build. Sealants make brushing teeth easy and efficient.

Dental sealants are safe for children and are a great way to prevent tooth decay after their permanent teeth have erupted. Sealants, however, can only be placed on healthy teeth. Sealing permanent teeth is much more common that sealing baby teeth; however, each person has different needs and your local dentist at Academy Dental can tell you if dental sealants are a good option for you or not.

Sealants last for a few years, although it is common for adults to have older sealants that are still functional. A dental sealant is only effective when it is in good shape, so if your sealant falls out, let your dentist know and book an appointment so we can reseal your teeth.

To learn more about dental sealants, contact us today to book an appointment.
