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Sedation Dentistry Near You

Feeling anxious about your next dental appointment with sedation dentistry in Victoria? Don’t avoid those important checkups! Sedation dentistry near you offers a relaxing solution. These techniques, provided by dentists trained in sedation, can help you feel calm and comfortable during your appointment. Whether you have a fear of the dentist, a low pain tolerance, or simply want a more stress-free experience, sedation dentistry can transform your visit. Imagine breezing through your appointment feeling calm and relaxed – that’s the magic of sedation dentistry!

There are several sedation options available to patients.

Oral Conscious Sedation

This type of sedation is designed for anxious patients. You’re prescribed an oral sedative which you will take an hour before your appointment. If you’re overly anxious, you may even have to take the sedative an hour before you go bed on the night before your appointment as well.

Oral sedatives are quite strong and you will need someone to drive you to and from your appointment. If you’ve received oral sedation, you’re not allowed to drive for 24 hours after your treatment. Consult with a dentist in Victoria to see if sedation dentistry is right for you and achieve a smile that’s both healthy and happy.

Nitrous Oxide

You inhale this sedative gas during the procedure, and it will make you feel calm and happy instead of anxious. It works quickly, and the effects quickly dissipate after the procedure.

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Call Us: (250) 385-6552

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Call Us: (250) 385-6552

Ready to book
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Call Us: (250) 385-6552
